No.337 Shaoxing Road, Ханчжоу, Китай
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- Категория: Help
- Время публикации: 2020-11-27 11:53:44
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Cotton.DONGDI has many cotton gloves that are standard in the industry for light duty and dirty jobs. Our cotton gloves provide comfortable fit, dexterity and durability. Ideal for refrigerated areas, food processing, general maintenance, parts handling and more.
Leather. DONGDI has many leather work gloves, which extend over wrists for greater protection. Our leather work gloves are ideal for assembly, construction, fabricating, farming, landscaping and more.
Nitrile.Whether your use encompasses pharmaceutical, chemical, or other commercial applications, DONGDI offers a wide selection of disposable nitrile gloves. Nitrile gloves offer excellent protection against certain solvents, chemicals, caustic compounds, oils, and blood products. Disposable nitrile gloves are available for both laboratory and industrial settings.
Vinyl. DONGDI offers vinyl gloves that are similar in most aspects to the latex gloves . Vinyl Gloves are ambidextrous and meet all FDA and ASTM requirements. They are used primarily in food service, but their uses go far beyond that one application.
Latex.DONGDI has many latex gloves that are natural latex rubber gloves, which combine high tactile sensitivity with high tack for a sure grip. Our latex gloves provide excellent grip in both wet and dry situations. Ideal for airport security, small part handling, janitorial services and more.
Mechanix.nbsp;DONGDI offers Mechanix Wear Gloves that are the best all around gloves, providing superior fit, control and protection. Mechanix are used by more professional mechanics than any other glove in the world.
PVC. DONGDI offers PVC gloves that provide protection from acids, caustics and certain solvents used in chemical handling. Our PVC gloves are ideal for mining, auto industry, construction and more.
Safety is absolutely vital for the employees. Knowing how to accurately measure and choose glove sizes can increase safety and productivity in the workplace. Check out PE Facts to learn how to determine appropriate glove sizes and avoid unnecessary injuries!
It is always the employer’s responsibility to his or her employees to assess the risk involved with certain applications. If the employer decides that hand protection is necessary, he or she must then determine the best glove for the specific conditions. Once the type of glove is chosen, you must decide on the size that will best fit. Most of the time employers must choose more than one size to suit various employees.
If gloves do not fit properly, it can often delay work or result in hand injuries. If the hand protection is too small, it may cause hand fatigue. If the protective material is stretched out, it is more likely to rip or tear during use which is costly to replace, as well as dangerous for the wearer. Gloves that are too small also decrease dexterity. On the other hand, gloves that are too large also create safety issues, such as getting caught on jagged edges or moving parts of machinery. If the glove is too loose, it could easily be pulled right off the hand, or even pull the wearers hand into moving machinery with it.
It is imperative to understand how to appropriately measure the hand in order to get a glove that fits correctly. If the glove fits properly, it will provide the worker with maximum protection without compromising dexterity.
To find the appropriate glove size, use a tape measure to measure around the knuckles of the dominant hand. The dominant hand will be the right if you are right-handed and left if you are left-handed.
The inch measurement of your hand should correspond directly to the numbered sizes of the glove. For example, if you measure your hand to be 8 inches, you would wear a size 8 glove. If your hand measures over 8 inches it is wise to choose the next size up to avoid hand fatigue or discomfort from a glove that is too small. Some gloves come in lettered sizes such as XS, S, M, L, and XL. These can easily convert to a numerical size for simple selection. See the table for numerical and lettered sizing relation.
РАБОЧИЕ ПЕРЧАТКИ ПО ТИПАМ Хлопок. DONGDI предлагает множество хлопчатобумажных перчаток, которые используются в промышленности для легких и грязных работ. Наши хлопковые перчатки обеспечивают удобную посадку, маневренность и долговечность. Идеально подходит для холодильных помещений, пищевой промышленности, общего обслуживания, работы с запчастями и многого другого. РУКОВОДСТВО ПО РАЗМЕРУ ПЕРЧАТОК Безопасность жизненно важна для сотрудников. Знание того, как точно измерить и выбрать размер перчаток, может повысить безопасность и производительность на рабочем месте. Ознакомьтесь с PE Facts, чтобы узнать, как определить подходящий размер перчаток и избежать ненужных травм!
Также важно определиться с длиной перчатки. Как правило, длина перчатки зависит от необходимого уровня защиты от брызг или глубины погружения в раствор. Для максимальной защиты кисти, запястья и предплечья измерьте руку и обратитесь к этому руководству для измерения длины: |
It is also important to decide the length you need for the glove. Generally, the length of the glove depends on the level of splash protection needed or the depth of immersion in a solution. For maximum protection of the hand, wrist and forearm, measure the arm and refer to this guide for length measurement:
Потратьте немного времени на то, чтобы правильно измерить и выбрать подходящий размер перчаток для сотрудников, - это единственный способ обеспечить им надлежащую защиту рук. Правильно подобранные перчатки помогут защитить сотрудников и избежать несчастных случаев на рабочем месте.
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